Spring update

I feel the weeks and months are flying by (and I feel I say this more and more as I get older). Already we’re in the April holidays, and though I have been keeping busy with the writing, I have neglected to post regular updates for the first quarter of 2024.

Currently, I am working on my larger project, that being my first novel. I took a few months away from the project from the end of January through to the start of March so I could focus my attention on preparing my latest novella for submission to a publisher. This deadline was early March, so the novella took priority while I shined it up and sent it out into the world. I will hear either yay or nay in the summer, so I will keep everyone posted via here and my Instagram.

I also received my contributor copy of Unmoored: Worlds of Pure Chaos, the anthology by Fictionate.Me Publishing, which featured my story When Once We Radiated. A writer friend of mine kindly shipped this over from the US, and the finished result of the printed book was astounding. E-books can be purchased from Apple Books, and printed copies (if you live in the US) from Barnes & Noble. See the full list of my printed publications for more information.

There are also talks for me to appear on a writer’s podcast for an episode in the summer, but more on this in future posts.

So, that’s where things are sitting currently. If you haven’t already, feel free to drop a follow over on Instagram or feel free to say hello.

Thanks again for reading, and take care.