“The Purgatory Gate” (and general September musings)

I started this post with absolutely no clue as to how to proceed. Isn’t that just the way of writing, right now? I turn up with barely any plan, hoping my fingers on the keys can fix everything. Let’s see how things go before I proclaim victory.

Dumpster Fire Press (12/09/22)

My short story “The Purgatory Gate” was published on Mike Zone’s awesome Dumpster Fire Press site today. This is a great place for punk-poetry and outrageous tales from many talented individuals, and I’m appreciative of Mike having included my story here. As for the story itself, if you have been wondering what the hell those bizarre ‘Deathless’ apparitions are that are cropping up all over my writings, then look no further; “The Purgatory Gate” gives some (though limited) insight into these bizarre cosmic horrors, from the dual perspectives of a medieval knight, and a physicist from modern day Utah.

In the background, I am pursuing my novel (known only as “Conclave” at this point in time), with writing taking the forefront and occasional planning and retuning happening off to the sides. It is heavily inspired by the likes of Ringworld, The Stainless Steel Rat, and Babel-17 to name a few, but I hope to share something to Instagram in the coming weeks.

Make sure you check out “The Purgatory Gate”, and let me know what you think.

Until next time, take care.